
Sarah Ruff

Office Manager

My career in customer service spans over 20 years, mostly customer facing in retail. During this time, I worked my way through the ranks, from working in the stockroom, to store manager. This meant I learnt skills in all aspects of the businesses I worked for, including planning, problem solving & resolution, communicating & interacting with customers on all different levels. Many of these skills & attributes I have found are transferable to my role at Zeus and have stood me in good stead embarking in my position as Telesales Executive. I very much enjoy the learning process and look forward to adding more skills to my repertoire during my future at Zeus Connex.

Likes – Horror films & anything paranormal, good food with friends & beach holidays.

Dislikes – cold weather, Thai green curry & board games.

Claim to fame or a random fact – My hobby is ghost hunting, and I enjoy overnight events in abandoned buildings.

Sarah Ruff