5 steps to take to protect your business from online hackers

When it comes to cyber attacks, every business is a target in the eyes of a hacker. While larger businesses are a prime target thanks to their valuable data, small businesses are often on the list as they typically have weaker security measures. So, whatever the size of your business, good security practices should be a priority.


The shift to remote working has been a significant factor in the increase in security breaches in recent years. Staff using their own devices and connecting to their home or public internet can create a weak link that opens the door to attackers.

However, your business can take a few simple steps to strengthen its security posture and protect your data from online hackers. Here, industry professionals at Zeus Connex take a closer look at the measures you can take to mitigate the risks of an attack. 

1. Have good password health

Compromised passwords are one of the most common ways hackers gain access to businesses. Many people never change their default passwords or choose easy-to-guess ones such as 123456 or pa55word. 

Ensure your team understands the importance of having a strong password. One that contains a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. Consider making it a workplace policy to change these at set times. 

2. Use multifactor authentication 

Staying with passwords, your business should implement multifactor authentication when logging into any online service or internal network.

This adds an extra layer of security by ensuring users enter a password and then either a one-time SMS code sent to their mobile device or prove who they are through an authentication app such as Microsoft Authenticator.

3. Educate your staff on phishing

Phishing emails are one of the most common ways hackers gain access to your business data. These emails seemingly come from a trusted business or colleague but contain malicious links or attachments that, once clicked, install malware onto your device. Hackers can then use this malware to get your password and other sensitive information. 

Arrange phishing training to help your staff recognise these types of emails and prevent them from falling victim to them. Key things to look for are bad spelling and an unnecessary sense of urgency. You can also hover over links to check the domain name, but be careful – sometimes, it can be a very subtle change.

4. Keep software up to date

Keeping your computer and other devices up to date can help prevent many ransomware attacks. Bugs in the system are often exploited without needing to enter a password, but keeping your software updated can help protect against this.

5. Always backup

A cyber attack may not always be prevented, but if you have robust backups of your business data, you should at least be able to recover quickly. Store your backups offline to ensure they cannot be compromised and encrypted by hackers. 

Get in touch 

Are you a business looking for a seamlessly efficient telecoms strategy? Get in touch with the professionals at Zeus Connex. We believe relationships should be built on trust, honesty and communication, which is why we promise to be upfront with our costs so you don’t get surprises along the way.

Contact us to discuss your requirements and explore how we can help you create a bespoke and affordable business connectivity package to suit your business.