Capital Care Group

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Capital Care Group provide a wide range of specialist person-centred care and support service for adults and older people with a wide range of needs including EMI Care, nursing care, residential care, respite care and dementia care; see details below.

The Group consists of seven homes, Anville Court, Haresbrook Park, Hillcrest Manor, Portland House, Westfield Lodge, Weston Park and Chesford Grange Care homes.

All of the Capital Care Group Homes with the exception Haresbrook Park provide Nursing Care and Palliative care with Hillcrest Manor and Weston Park also providing both Dementia Care and EMI services. Haresbrook Park is a residential facility, with staff becoming a second family to residents providing an environment with genuine warmth and friendliness. All of the Capital Care homes offer respite Care Services where Hillcrest Manor is specifically focused on EMI and Dementia Care Services.


The Capital Care group Homes are presented with various challenges that require a multi-faceted solution to be designed . Homes were struggling to get full Wi-Fi coverage across their buildings, due to the phones relying on the Wi-Fi, care staff could not walk freely around the homes without experiencing crackling and drop-outs; these issues were majorly affecting the day to day running of the homes.

This included having problems accessing their care management system, which is a vital part of the service they provide. In addition throughout the estate there was a general requirement to upgrade and improve the connectivity, network infrastructure and feature set available on the homes telephone systems.

Whilst their current provider was aware of the issues, they provided nothing in the way of a solution for the problems. They knew they needed to change provider but were understandably hesitant giving the nature of the service they provide.


Capital Care Homes directors met with the Zeus Connex Account Manager and talked through what they required from any new system and supplier. Working closely with their team we suggesting options and presented a Group wide plan which was mutually agreed encompassing the deployment of a multi-level voice and data iPECS Cloud solution, connectivity uplift and group wide disaster recovery strategy applied.

The Zeus Connex engineers surveyed all of the buildings to determine best fit connectivity, additional telephone system requirements that included, call recording, Automated Attendant, mobile user App’s, exactly how many Wi-Fi access points they would need for full coverage of each home to ensure staff could efficiently use their care management system, robust Wi-Fi handsets and unlimited data sim back up embedded within full managed access devices. Thus delivering an individual plan for each home while incorporating continuity across the group with regards product set and ongoing support.

We also agreed to directly manage an exit strategy with their current provider to include the negotiation of any termination charges. All of which was handled by their dedicated Account Manager and in-house project management team.

Results and success

After upgrading the estates connectivity to fibre with embedded fail over unlimited data sim resilience, deployment of LG-Ericsson iPECS cloud systems platform across the homes and general uplift of the Wi-Fi access point technology, the staff are now able to walk freely around the homes, access their care management systems, make and take calls throughout the home ensuring they are able to provide the high level of service that they righty promise to their residents. Residence families now have an improved user experience when calling the homes getting quicky through to the team required via the homes 24/7 Automated Attendants with all calls being recorded and backed up within the secure iPECS cloud system. The addition of a group wide disaster recovery strategy across all homes ensures an extremely high degree of connectivity up time. The overall solution was agreed to be a success and the new business partnership formed between The Capital Care Group and Zeus Connex a very positive one.